Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Northwestern back to RIC...

It has been almost a week since Sherrie went into surgery. She spent three days in ICU and then two days in a step down unit at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. Along the way she was hooked up to three IV lines, one of which missed a vein and her arm swelled considerably, and tested and tested and tested.

Bacterial testing on the sponge removed from Sherrie started last thursday and continued for 5 days. She received the attention of Infectious Disease doctors, Neurosurgeons, Interventional Radiologists, Internists and Nurse practitioners all focused on making sure they had whatever might be growing in her brain under control. Our blessings continued as we found, day after day, that all tests were negative for the identification of known bugs. 

Although the tests results are good (no growth), the doctors do not want to take any chances so they will keep Sherrie on a 3 drug antibiotic regimen for up to 6 weeks. This is a very good thing, but is not without risks. She now has a PICC line inserted in her arm (flexible tube inserted in in the upper arm and advanced until the catheter tip terminates in a large vein in the chest near the heart) where the drugs will be administered. She will need to have blood drawn and tested weekly to ensure there is no damage to kidneys and liver and will require the attention of RN's. 

All along we had thought there was a possibility of being readmitted as an inpatient at RIC. While Sherrie was in the step down unit, the RIC doctors evaluated her and had originally decided keep her going to day rehab. Once they found she would need nursing care and regular testing, they decided to admit her today. While I will miss having her at home, I am grateful that she will have the care she needs and will benefit from daily therapy sessions.

The last week has been a mix of emotions and surprises. Memories of days we thought we had passed came flooding back as I saw my sweetheart laying in her hospital bed recovering from surgery. The outcome over the last week is not what we had planned, but we are grateful our plan did not come to pass. We have been blessed with the best outcome given the surprise found during surgery. I know without a doubt that Sherrie is being watched over by a loving Heavenly Father who knows perfectly what she needs. 

We don't know how long we will be downtown, but we pray that she will continue to be healthy, strong and benefit from her therapy sessions. As always, thank you for all your concern and prayers.


  1. You are still in our prayers......Keep your head up and know you are loved and thought of today:)

  2. Your family is such a strong example of faith and endurance. We continually pray for Heavenly Father to give you and Sherrie the needed strength. We love you all.

  3. Thinking and praying for each of you! May the antibiotics be effective and may Sherrie feel comforted!

  4. Chris and I both put wishes in the Western Wall in Jerusalem for Sherrie's speedy recovery!
