Friday, September 7, 2012

Labor Day Log...

It has been a little over a week since my last update. Now that school is back in session and Brittney is back in Utah, I am on my own in keeping our updates up to date. I need to be more diligent in my postings.

Even though I am with my sweetheart everyday, I see progress each day on this amazing journey toward recovery. While she has been very active with her arms and legs, she seems to be much more aware of what is going on around her. She is much more definitive in answering "yes" or "no" and most often is heard saying and audible "uh-huh" or "uh-uh"...a little tougher to determine yes or no, but a positive sign she is trying to use her voice. There is not a day that goes by that when I see her in the morning and tell her "good morning", she doesn't reply with the same. She regularly uses her lips to form words that aren't audible, but very discernible watching the movement of her mouth.

One of the big changes for me is the more and more frequent laughs and smiles. I don't always know why she is laughing, but I an grateful she is. There are times when I will be speaking to her trying to be funny and she will give me a grin and just begin to giggle. I think she is just trying to be kind when my comments just aren't that humorous. Regardless it is a wonderful sign and a great blessing.

The other night I asked her if she wanted to play Rock, Paper, Scissors. She nodded her head "yes" so we began. I counted to three and we both showed rock and she took her fist and gave me a bump as to say, "no winner". I counted again and showed paper and she showed scissors. The most impressive movement came when she moved forward and cut my paper! I asked her if she meant to do that and she gave me a half grin and nodded her head "yes".

We continue to pray fervently that she will swallow voluntarily so we begin introducing solid foods and move toward removing her feeding tube. This would be a great blessing that takes a away the concern of aspirating fluids into her lungs that could lead to pneumonia.

Therapy sessions continue to go well. After getting over a bout of nervousness when we first arrived home, she has seemed to settle in and is regularly standing and even taking some baby steps forward when assisted.

Our journey still has miles to go, but we are grateful we have already covered a good amount of ground. We are in a much better place today than we were even weeks ago. I long to have my sweetheart by my side and cannot wait for that day to come. In the meantime, I will be grateful for the many blessings that come our way that bring us great hope and a firmer knowledge that there is a loving God that is aware of all his children.

Thank you for all your concern and blessings on her behalf. They make a difference!!


  1. Wow! Thanks for the update. "Rock, paper, scissors" sounds like a huge step forward! We're so glad you're able to share such sweet moments together, and we are ever grateful for the continued progress. Such great miracles!

    Elise and Jim Bouc

  2. We love the updates, but understand when it takes some time to post one. It's so great to hear she's giggling :D

  3. Love the updates! She's in there! Love you Labrums!
