Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Moving Day...

Today begins another chapter in our journey. At about 11a cst, Sherrie was discharged as an inpatient at RIC and is now home. For the last two months she has received an intense regimen of therapy that has helped her become more alert and aware of her surroundings. She still has her days when she is very tired, but for the last couple of weeks, she has done very well in her therapy sessions.

Having my sweetheart home is a wonderful blessing. We have a long way to go and she continues to need 24 hour care, but she is one step closer to being able to assist herself in doing some of the basic tasks in life. Often times the doctors will tell us that patients do even better when they are with family in familiar surroundings. We pray this will be the case.

Sherrie will continue therapy at an RIC outpatient clinic closer to our home. She will receive the same focus and attention 3 days a week for three hours in PT, OT and Speech just as she has as an inpatient at RIC downtown Chicago. Between sessions, she will be getting lots of love and attention from family and some grand-babies that have missed their grandma Sherrie very much.

On September 13, Sherrie will go back to Northwestern and have surgery to replace the craniotomy. This is another major milestone for her. Doctors also say that many patients do better after this surgery and in Sherrie's case, they will evaluate how she is doing post-op and may bring her back to RIC Chicago for follow-up sessions as an inpatient.

Every time we have had to change, move and test, I get a very nervous. Not knowing what is around the corner is challenging and often a bit scary. We have hit many of these moments and in all cases, a loving Heavenly Father is there to provide answers or pathways to make the burden lighter. I continue to pray that Sherrie will re-gain her swallowing reflex and that she will be able to consistently communicate with us. Being able to have her tell us where she needs help would be a great blessing to her and us.

The other day I went with Sherrie to NW for an EEG test to see if she may be having strokes. The doctor had noticed some twitches that caused some concern and they wanted to rule out any possibility that strokes were occurring as we had just taken her off medications to prevent this from happening. Since she had not had any additional stroke since the accident, I was a bit concerned. The doctor called today and the testing center reported the saw no signs!. Another great blessing! Sherrie is in a state where her body is doing a lot of moving which causes a lot of muscle jerking. Muscle jerking we can handle, additional strokes we can really do without.

I thank all of you for your dedication and love for  my sweetheart. You know how I feel about your willingness to offer prayers on her behalf. I stand as a witness that they are being responded to. I see these miracles everyday! They are not coincidental or part of our fate. They are "manna" from heaven that strengthens Sherrie and gives me hope to move forward. After three months, we are HOME!


  1. Ron, Sherrie has been on my mind all day today. I know this is a big day for you guys and I can't imagine how scary it must be. The Andersons will continue to pray and plead with the Lord in Sherrie's behalf. I literally beg Him to bless your sweet wife in every single prayer. Sure wish there was more we could do. We love you and are so grateful to be connected as family! Thank you for your strong and faithful example. Sherrie continues to bless so many lives as she did before, just in a different way.

    With much love,

    Dave and Pam Anderson

  2. Sherrie is in out prayers constantly. I am happy that she is home where she is surrounded in love. Good luck.

  3. Coming home is quite a milestone! I'm sure Sherrie loves being there and seeing her grandchildren. I hope it is very therapeutic for her and helps her progress. I hope the transition from RIC to home goes smoothly.

  4. Hello to the Labrum family, I was one of Sherrie's nurses when she was in Miami, you all have been in my thoughts and prayers since I first cared for Sherrie. I'm so thrilled to see how far she has come, she is truly amazing, and so are all of you! Prayers and best wishes to Sherrie and all of you from Miami.


  5. Ron & Sherrie,

    So glad Sherrie is HOME!!! Please Please let us know what we can do!!! We are Here and Your entire beautiful family is continually in our prayers. I would be happy to sit and talk with Sherri and visit or do Anything else. Much Love & Prayers, The Pistellas

  6. There's no place like home, There's no place like home. There's no place like home.....

  7. Home sweet home! Sending more prayers your way!

  8. So happy to hear that Sherrie is home! We love her and continue to pray for her. Sending love from the Ohio!
