Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Our Super Hero!

Yesterday we received the news that moms therapy at the RIC was extended to Aug. 14.  This is such great news and we hope that mom will continue to gain strength and her times of alertness will last longer.  However, the last few days mom has been really sleepy during some of her therapy sessions.  The part that continues to amaze me is even during her sleepy days she finds a new way to let us know that she is very aware!  Although mom is still working on her facial expressions her personality still shines through.  She continues to make us laugh and cry everyday and we are truly proud!  I wanted to share a few of her funny comments so you can also understand how even though her body isn't able to respond as much her mind is very clear...
Physical Therapist: "Sherrie, I want to lay you down to do some leg stretches but you have to promise you won't fall asleep.  Sherrie, can you promise me you won't fall asleep?"
Mom: VERY clear head nod "No!" and 2 minutes later she was asleep :) ...points for being honest!
(This conversation took place between Mom, Dad, and a good friend who attended BYU Paul)

Dad: "Sherrie, are you a Utah State Aggie?"
Mom: head nod "Yes"
Dad: "Do we like the BYU Cougars?"
Mom: head nod "No" and then gave dad a fist bump
Dad: "We don't like the Cougars, we stick our tongue out at them, right?"
Mom: turned to Paul and stuck her tongue out at him and then looked at dad and gave another fist bump followed by another look at Paul with her tongue out!
(Skyler and Kenzy came to see Mom at the RIC last Thursday and this was their most proud moment)

Skyler was holding grandmas hand and sitting next to her on the bed and he got up to walk away for a minute.  Mom looked right at him and pointed and motioned for him to come sit back down.
Skyler: "I think she wants me to sit with her again! I think she needs me!"
After Skyler sat back down she grabbed his hand again.  Later he asked her if she needed a hug and she opened both arms so he could lay on her stomach and then she wrapped him up and rubbed his back.  Kenzy and I went back to the RIC after lunch and mom did the same thing to Kenzy.  She motioned for her to come and give her a hug and then rubbed her back and head.  It was so sweet and so tender!!! In those moments, it doesn't seem to matter age or relationship, somehow she is able to offer an embrace that reassures all will be okay!  I have always marveled at her ability to offer such comfort in just a hug and now in her most challenging moment she is still the same healer that she has always been!
(This conversation was between Mom, Dad and a nurse that was expecting)

Nurse to Sherrie: "How many grandchildren do you have?"
Mom: mouthed 8
Dad: "We just had our 8th grandchild in May."
Nurse: "Boy or girl?"
Mom: mouthed Boy

She knows and remembers us all even down to the smallest baby!  Mom is very aware of each of her children, grandchildren, and friends.  I never understood how she had the capacity to care for the thousands of friends and family that played a part in her life, it continues to amaze me today!  It is just one of the many super powers from one of the greatest super heroes!  On her behalf, I want to thank each one of you for the letters, phone calls, flowers, food, baby sitting (although it seems to be more like partying!),  kind words, and warm embraces.  We have received them all and we continue to share them with mom, they mean so much to our family and we are humbled!! I am surprised that mom hasn't mouth "Thank You notes" yet, but one day they we be sent and even day mom will hug each of you individually and then you will know our gratitude, then you will feel that perfect embrace that all is well!



  1. Thanks so much for sharing Britt! These moments bring laughter and happy tears, just like a normal afternoon with Sherrie. Keep at it Sherrie and team! Lots of love and prayers still coming your way from the French clan.

  2. A great post & great pictures! Since our 3-yr-old, Caleb, still makes sure that Sherrie is included in every prayer we utter, we decided to talk about fasting & prayer for family home evening a couple weeks ago. We used pictures from this blog to show Caleb what a great smile Sherrie has & how much fun she is & then to,d him that she is getting better & better everyday & that our prayers & fasts help her get better. He was riveted to the screen and continues to send his sweet prayers Sherrie's way:)

  3. Dear Sherrie: Where are you when I need you?? I don't know if anyone has been reading Colin's letters to you, but he says he wants to go to BYU!!! Fortunately, he played around too much at Utah State before he left, and BYU won't accept him until he redoes a couple of classes. There's still time!! Hurry up and get better so you can help me talk some sense into him before it's too late! !!! Love, Leslie.

    PS Aggies all the way!!!!

  4. She is an AMAZING super hero! Such amazing progress for her & so grateful for y'alls tender, sweet posts about her.
    We continue to pray for each of you through this trying time. Sherrie- we love you so! Keep the good news coming!
    Y'all did live in TX once, why not consider TCU? & what's with this whole 'no country music' idea? :)
    Love y'all!

  5. That's great news that her stay was extended! Cute stories about her grandchildren. :-)

  6. Keep going strong Sher! I miss your advise and pep talks.....believe me...I need them! Caish started Aggiettes today so we still have USU to cheer for.
    Love you

  7. What a great post Brittney! So happy to hear the great news! Still thinking of you Sherrie!

  8. Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou for the post Brittany. So things are really looking up. Step by step, line upon line Sherrie is making her way through this new life of hers and all of yours. She has earned a bronze, siver and GOLD for what she is accomplishing. Continued love and prayers to all.

  9. sorry for the mispell last post Brittney. My niece spells it Brittany!! Thanks again and hugs for your mom and all of you.

  10. Wahoo Sherrie!!! Marcia and I will be excited to talk to you about this learning experience when we get back from our mission. We are simply amazed with your progress. We would worry if you gave the fist bump regarding the Y- Kasi would seriously question that! We keep you in our daily prayers....continued love from the French clan...jeff and marcia (Elder/Sister French- Philippines)

  11. Each of you is a super hero in my book! Keep it up! Some capes and/or masks are in order for Halloween! Keep going Sherrie!

  12. Wow, what touching moments that you continue to write about Sheerie's progress. I laugh and cry when I read this blog. Thank you, Sheerie, for working so hard and inspiring us in so many ways. Thanks to the family for the strength and encouragement that you are to Sheerie and you give to us who love her so much! You are in our prayers and thoughts daily.
    One more thing.....GO AGGIES!!!!! And a fist bump from me.
    Love ya,
    Aunt LeAnne

  13. Always to you and your family...prayers and thoughts. What tender moments you are willing to share that remind each of us of life's true priorities. What she lacks in physical super powers (at the moment) she is more the making up for in the super powers of her spirit. What a truly inspiring woman! I'm seeing the resemblance of you as her daughter more and more.

    Jeremy and Randee
