Saturday, May 19, 2012

Conference Call

This photo was summer 2011: Sherrie convinced us all to go on a segway tour around Chicago. Of course we had a blast. Just one of the adventurous activities she shared with us.

We had a wonderful conference call tonight to get updated on all of the latest information. I don't know a better way to consolidate the information other than several little paragraphs. The general feeling is that things are looking up. Although they continue to tell us to remember how severe her condition really is and to keep things in perspective.

This is what we discussed tonight:

Our doctor is invested in Sherrie and giving her wonderful care. He has said that he feels a connection to her and our family and that can only be a good thing. After her surgery today he didn't scrub out immediately as is the usual procedure, but stayed to monitor her. As Ron said, he is taking precautionary measures that go above and beyond standard care. One of the measures was to place a preventative catheter in her leg to catch any clots or embalisums  that may come loose.

Having all of the kids together with Ron is a huge blessing and comfort. Tyler, Todd and Brik arrived to an torrential downpour this afternoon. They were picked up and went to the temple to be with Brittney, Zach and Ron. Ron expressed how grateful he was to have all of his children together. He said that he probably wouldn't have encouraged all of them to come to the Dominican as it is so difficult to see Sherrie in her current state, but that he couldn't imagine going forward without their support. What a blessing for them to be together and draw strength from one another.

Her right eye is beginning to un-dilate and her left is now responding to light. Yesterday there was no response and today there is. Positive sign.

Before the surgery today, the brain scan showed so much swelling that there was no line to distinguish two sides to the brain. We are waiting to see the next scans and for that distinction between the two sides to come back. The next 12-24 hours are critical to see the impact her latest surgery will have.

Her coma is now100% induced and not natural. This is good because it means that she could possibly come out of it on her own.

They have been able to lower the doses of medication they are using for her blood pressure.

The doctors have told us we have already witnessed a miracle in seeing the small improvements so far. Her Internist told Brandon that this was "quite and injury" and she doesn't see patients in Sherrie's condition. This is because  the injuries she sustained were so intense and far reaching that the patients don't make it to her care. Today the same doctor said to Brandon, "We did it! We did it!" In reference to the fact that her pupils are responding to light and that she is making progress. They didn't think she would make it this far. It seems Sherrie has the ability to draw people in even when she's in a coma. jh

It has been neat to see the doctors reactions and letting them see our miracles.

She is still intubated and is not expected to be breathing on her own for a minimum for 4 days.

She has had 4 hematomas that have now all been removed. A point of clarification for me: When they removed pieces of her cranium, that meant the bone that is protecting the brain. A piece about 4x3 inches was removed in order to access the hematomas and repair the damage inside. They haven't put that back together yet so her head is very bandaged up.

They don't get to see her much, mostly as she is wheeled from room to room. However, today they got to spend 10-15 min talking with her. After Todd and Tyler arrived, they got special permission to go into her room and say a prayer together. They say that hearing is the last thing to go in these injuries so they are trying to have her hear their voices as much as possible and passing along messages of love. They told her about how many thousands of people are praying for her and that she is not alone in this battle.

The Ryder Trauma center in Miami has been recommended as the next place she should be, but they will have to evaluate her after a minimum of 48 hours to see if transportation is an option.

Another miracle is that the family who owns the town of Punta Cana heard about Sherrie's accident and immediately got involved. They were instrumental in helping get to Santo Domingo and have called the hospital there to open many doors.

In general, the family is in much better spirits today than they have been- thanks to the bits of good news. They keep telling us to remember how severe the injury is and to not become too hopeful, but it is impossible not to feel the hands of God and know that He is watching over Sherrie and the rest of us.

The whole family at a Cubs game August 2011. Sherrie's favorite times are when we are all together.


  1. My thoughts and prayers are with you all...having seen injuries like this it is so hard to know outcomes until she is "stable" and even then patients do heal very different. The neuro RN in me is rooting for the best outcome and wants you all to know that normalcy is never out of the question...the member in me knows she will come out of this just as our Father in Heaven has intended. We are all hopeful for a full recovery, it's a long road but well worth it. Love KrosOhana- Brandon, Pualani, Halana & Paka.

    Round Lake, IL

  2. Wow you guys, we just came across this blog and are in tears imagining the difficult things you're passing through right now. Much love and many prayers from your Davis family cousins. We love you guys so much. Please keep us informed and let us know if there is anything we can do to help.

    The Davis Family
    TJ, Andrea and the rest of us

  3. I am so glad your family is all together to support each other. I can't imagine what you are going through, but our thoughts and prayers have been with you since we heard the news. Much love, Staci and family (Joe's little sister)

  4. Your mom is absolutely perfect and I know she will pull through this. Zach- Everyone has been telling me to send their love to you! My Facebook status is asking everyone to pray for your mom and it has gotten over 200 likes! The support your family has back home is unreal. Your mom is the cutest/nicest person i have ever met. I can't wait to see her again after she fights through her battles and returns home to everyone that loves her...which is pretty much anyone that has ever met her. You guys are such a strong family and i love you all! For those of you that I haven't met its easy enough to say if your a member of the Labrum family..then I love you! Zach, all of our friends are praying every second they can for you, your family, and your mom to help you all get through this. We will all continue to pray until she comes home healthy! Love ya Zach, stay strong! ~ Molly White

  5. McGrath Family
    Sherrie and the Labrum Family are in all of our prayers. We find comfort with our Heavenly Father and his Plan. What a blessing to have peace with the care Sherrie is receiving. As you know, you are not alone. Love and Prayers are coming your way and our Heavenly Father is watching over all. Love, Joe and Rosemary and family

  6. I'm thrilled to hear that your mom is making improvements. She is fighting! She is such an amazing woman and is surrounded by so much love. Im thankful that the entire family is now together to support her (and each other) through this time. Thoughts and prayers your way.
    Tami Sears

  7. We have often felt the love of the Labrums and Sherrie, a family we are committed to emulating. Many prayers and thoughts and much love headed your way.

  8. Ron,

    We were so sad to hear about the accident.
    Our thoughts and prayers are with Sherrie, you and your family.

    -Nick and Toula Sideris (Dean's Sister)

  9. Ron and family,

    If it is not possible for you to go in and be by her side, is it possible for you to have a couple of audio devices that you can rotate in and out of the room where you record your voices and your family talking to her so that she can at least hear your voices on a constant basis? Either with ear buds (not sure if they would approve those or even if her ears are exposed for them) or with speakers? This may help her respond if she can hear your voices more often.

    Just a thought.

    Our prayers are with you,
    Regina DeDominicis

    1. If you're getting email (I read you're not getting text) use that to have the grandkids send their voice reading books to her. Thought a LOT about your family and especially Sherrie when they talked about charity at church today. I have to think the Lord needs her here! I've never heard a negative word out of her mouth about anyone. She is a fabulous example of the pure love of Christ.

      Still praying and fasting for her!

  10. Labrums,

    I'm so happy to hear about even these small improvements. I keep praying for all of you and my heart goes out to you! I'm touched by your faith and love and know that Heavenly Father is with you during all of this. Thank you for keeping us updated!



  11. Dear Labrum family,

    I've had the good fortune of getting to know Brandon over the years through my dear friend Wendy, and am now lucky to call Brandon a friend, as well. While I haven't had the pleasure of getting to know the rest of the family as well, I can tell from the kind of person Brandon is that you are all wonderful people. I can't imagine what you all must be feeling right now, but have been touched to learn about your sweet mother as I've been following this blog for the past few days. She is so fortunate to be surrounded by all of your love and I have no doubt that she is gaining strength from your presence. I am keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.

    With love,
    Molly Freyer

  12. Dear Labrum Family,
    We just wanted to let you all know we are praying for Sherrie and your family from our home in Naples, FL. We admire your strength and deep faith and will be lighting a candle at church today for Sherrie's complete recovery and continued miracles during this trying ordeal. We are only 2 hours from Miami so please let us know if there is anything we can do to help once you arrive in FL.
    God Bless You All!
    The Norcia Family

  13. I love you all and I'm praying and fasting for Sherrie and all of you.
    I wish I could be there with you.

    Stephanie Ledbetter Harvey

  14. Lots of love, prayers and fasting coming from Texas! We love the Labrums! With all the prayers being offered up I know Heavenly Father is hearing and HE is in charge. May you continue to feel His peace and be comforted during Sherrie's recovery. So glad all her children can be there with her and Ron.
    Can't wait to see you all again.
    Love, Jennifer Dial

  15. Hi Ron and family,

    I'm following the blog updates, and am praying for your family. Even though we haven't seen you guys in a long time, I'll ever be grateful for the support working for Ron at American Scientific and Baxter provided me during college. And of course your family has always been tied to my connection to the Wrights (even though you'd have eventually met them whether or not I'd married Brad). I loved your kids and enjoyed watching them for you when they were young. Your family has always been a stand-out example of goodness. Last year Brad and I went to Punta Cana together for a get-away. So crazy to picture this happening there.

    A few years ago, one of my dearest friends, who is nearly a brother to me, was run over by a car that didn't stop for a red light. His head went through the windshield and he sustained incredible injuries. The insurance company wrote him off as catastrophic, and didn't expect him to survive. But miracles abounded.

    I sat by his bedside with his parents for the days right after the accident. He was nearly unrecognizable physically...with similar injuries and surgeries as you've described Sherrie enduring (open-skull craniotomies, brain swelling, etc). But the experience of being there was one of the most amazing testaments to me of the veracity of miracles. It seemed almost as though I could watch the healing though, if I stared at his injuries closely, they were mending themselves so fast I could see the healing taking place.

    The doctors were completely astonished at his progress. He'd been given blessings before his surgeries, and the physicians reported feeling like those operations were definitely not just them doing the work. He went from being considered a lost cause, to making an utterly miraculous recovery. Two weeks after the accident he was out of the ICU. He was discharged shortly thereafter, and went home where he had to re-learn a number of things (reading, walking, concentrating, memory recall, some language etc) and it did take a lot of work, but six months after the accident, he actually returned to work (we are both flight attendants)! It really was amazing to behold. His life was spared, and he has lived to bless many other lives.

    I can't help but think of him as I read of these experiences you're having, and I have hope and faith that your dear Sherrie will also be blessed with continuing miracles, and go on to impact the lives of her loved ones in her beautiful way. I know it's possible, and believe that she's being blessed with the strength she needs. Thanks for the efforts you're making to keep us in the loop! I'm grateful you are all there with her, including Brik. You are ALL in my prayers.

    ♥, Julia Wright

  16. Sherrie & family are in my thoughts and prayers! If anyone deserves a miracle it is her! Best wishes for a speedy recovery and happiness to all of you!

    Abby Shrek

  17. Dear Labrum Family,

    We have been praying for Sherrie and all of you since we haard the news. It is great that all of you are together to give each other strength through this difficult time. It was a very somber day today at Chuch in BGII, we are all praying for all of you. Sherrie is such a wonderful woman and admired by everyone who knows her. She is truly the example of what a wife and mother and grandmother should be. She is also a friend to everyone she meets and makes you feel special by just saying hello. So many maemories from being part of the BGII Ward involve the Labrum family. We will continue to pray for miracles in Sherrie's recovery and for the spirit to give all of you the strengh to get through this.

    Love Molly Arrigo and the Arrigo Family

  18. The entire Blair Family is keeping Sherrie in our thoughts and prayers. We are keeping a positive attitude because Sherrie has so much to look forward to and enjoy, particularly her loving family. Please let us know if there is anything at all we can do for you here in Libertyville.
    Karen and Jeff

  19. Words cannot begin to express the depth of our feelings and concern for our dear friend Sherrie. She is one of the most loving and caring people we know. Thank you so much for sharing the updates on her progress - her well being continues to consume our thoughts. We are sending all of our positive energy and prayers to Sherrie and to the rest of the Labrum family with the knowledge that God is watching over you all.

    With love,

    Brandon, Susan, Ryan and Abbie
