Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Another Day Past...

Today was a good day with mom at the RIC. She continues to be strong and show signs of progress. She is able to follow some commands but we need to continue to pray that those moment become more consistent and she becomes even more alert and awake. 

Those of you who know us well, know that the Labrums tend to be a little competitive! When there has been a challenge placed before us we become determined, focused, and persistent.  Over the years we have faced many challenges. Some were of our own choosing (like who could reenact the best Brittney Spears music video...dang you Tyler!) and others have been placed on our path. This is by far our biggest challenge! We will do all we can to perservere through this journey. 

Standing in the therapy room watching my dad transfer my mother from the therapy table to her chair, with all the strength and tenderness of a loving husband and father I realized we are now facing our Goliath! Although I may not have the courage and faith of David, I am grateful that I do not have to stand alone in this battle. I am so grateful for the strength and courage of my father. I know that just as a loving Heavenly Father wants nothing more than to embrace his children, I am grateful for my fathers willingness to fill that roll on earth. Watching him care for my mother was one of the most tender and spiritual experiences of my life. 

I am also grateful for the faith of my siblings as we navigate uncharted waters. Many times I feel the uncertainty overwhelming and I begin to panic, but they stand strong beside me and remind me of how far we have come! Recently during one of these moments Tyler reminded me of a comment from Elder Jeffrey Holland (a leader from our church) who said "With any major decision there are cautions and considerations to make, but once there has been illumination, beware the temptation to retreat from a good thing. If it was right when you prayed about it and trusted it and lived for it, it is right now. Don’t give up when the pressure mounts. Certainly don’t give in to that being who is bent on the destruction of your happiness. Face your doubts. Master your fears. “Cast not away therefore your confidence.” Stay the course and see the beauty of life unfold for you!Master your fears. Cast not away therefore your confidence. Stay the course and see the beauty of life unfold for you!" This is our goal. We need to rely on the moments when we have felt the peace of answered prayers. 
Today was a good day and I am grateful for the army that stands beside our family as we face our Goliath and for the beauty of life that is unfolding before us!



  1. We continue to pray for each of you! Keep up the fight and faith!

  2. Brittney
    Thank you for the updates and tender mercies that are influencing all of our lives as your mothers recovery unfolds.
    Rest assured, that the OBrien family stands by your side as only a few of the many in your "army at your side"
    Together we stand--together we kneel in prayer.
    With all our love,
    The OBrien family

  3. Brittney--
    We, as with so many others, have not "cast away our confidence." We continue to remember your mom and dad, and your family with every prayer we utter. Fisher hasn't once prayed without remembering to ask that Heavenly Father "bless Sister Labrum that she will wake up today." What a perfect quote to always keep in remembrance. I find it very comforting and so motivating. We love all of you, even if from far away, and will continue to plead and pray on your behalf!!
    The Emery's

  4. Brittney, I just want you to know that I think you are amazing! You look so much like your pretty mom, and you have her same strength, grace and faith!

    I love you! Our family continually prays for yours!

    Pam Anderson

  5. Thanks for the updates! We are still praying for sweet Sister Labrum, today my three year offered the prayer, she said, "... And please bless sister Labrum and her pirates!" she has heard her big sister say bless sister Labrum and her family, I guess she didn't hear the last part well, but I'm sure Heavenly Father knows what she meant, you are still in our prayers!
    Bea and Chris Jones
