Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day with Sherrie

This is the first Father's Day I have not had a two way conversation with my sweetheart in 34 years. Traditionally this is a day for "spoiling" Dad and having family gathered around to tell stories about the past and have the boys remind me of how old I am getting. While I miss the live interaction, I have had a pretty special day. I still spent the day with Sherrie talking about family, showing pictures of her grandchildren and participating in her therapy sessions. Intended or not, she showed more signs that she is healing and fighting. The changes just since saturday have been wonderful. Her hands and arms were very active, her eyes are following objects and she is following commands more and more. She apparently moved enough to wear her out just as they took her to physical therapy and decided to sleep through it. All the prodding and pushing couldn't change her mind.

I would be remiss if I did not recognize and thank my Father In Heaven for all the blessings that have been sent our way. We have a long way to go, but I know He is aware of Sherrie and continues to watch over her.


  1. Happy Father's Day President Labrum! We thought of you today and kept you especially in our prayers knowing this might be a harder day for you. We're thrilled to hear of the progress with Sherrie, and we're glad you had a nice day with her. You and your beautiful family have influenced us in so many positive ways by your examples throughout this difficult experience. We love you all and continue to pray with you.

    Jim and Elise Bouc

  2. President Labrum, Happy Father's Day. 34 years! You and Sherrie are so blessed to have each other. We are praying every day for her and your family. Love, The Washow's

  3. President Labrum,

    Happy Belated Father's Day! You are such an example of faith and strength. We continue to pray for Sherrie, you and your family.


    The Shepherds
