Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Counting our blessings...

I haven't written over the past few days as I thought there really hasn't been a lot of change to report, but I do err in my assumptions. Many years ago I learned a song that has come to have great value to me. It is entitled, "Count Your Many Blessing". The last verse states:

So amid the conflict, whether great or small,
Do not be discouraged, God is over all;
Count your many blessings, angels will attend,
Help and comfort give you to your journey's end.

Those words of the song echo in my mind more and more each day. I have sat and thought about the many blessings that have been extended to my dear wife and our family and they are numerous. We miss her daily activity in our life so much, but her influence is felt continously. A great blessing to many! 

Saturday was another full day of therapy sessions. In the midst of a lot of pushing, pulling and prodding, she did pretty well. Sunday was literally a day of rest for her. No sessions scheduled and an opportunity to rest up for Monday. Yesterday we continued a focus on developing her swallowing reflexes and she is doing better. The therapists focused on holding a tooth brush,using a wash cloth and doing excercises all in an effort to condition and to help her become more alert.

During each day, there seems to be a new "something" that occurs. It can be a response to a voice or a new movement with her hand or foot, all evidence that she is there fighting and becoming more aware. I live each day for the small acknowledgments that she knows we are there and supporting her.

Yesterday, Zach called from college to talk to his mom. As we held the phone to her ear, her eyes opened and I knew she recognized the voice of her youngest son. We see similar responses when she hears grandbabies and her childrens voices. It is one of the great blessings we see each day. We are greatful for her health and strength. We are greatful for little responses that communicate hope. We are greatful for wonderful therapists and we are greatful for the prayers of many.

The journey continues...

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