Friday, June 22, 2012

Friday's Marathon

Today was a big test for my dear wife. Thursday we met with her doctor and received positive reports that she was progressing well and had shown improvement since we had arrived at RIC. We didn't really need the report as we had seen the change take place in front of our eyes. Now that this first evaluation period was complete, it was time to establish goals that would push her harder than she had been pushed during this first week. Today we got a glimpse at how challenging it would be.

Beginning at 8a she started with Physical Therapy and except for a 2 hour break, she was pretty much working with therapists until 3p. For a person with TBI, every movement is not only difficult, it is physically taxing. It was difficult for her, but she went through it all very well. She really was in the toughest workout of her life.

Today as I watched her go through each session, I was very conscious of how hard she was working to get better. I was amazed, impressed and honored to be in her presence. There is not a day I don't look forward to seeing her. A simple squeeze of my hand or seeing her eyes meet mine and track me as I walk across the room is a wonderful feeling that is indescribable.

I am grateful for the wonderful caregivers at the RIC. Although they do not know Sherrie, they treat her with great sensitivity and concern. There is not a time they do not address her by name, tell her what they will be working on and then offer words of encouragement as they complete their therapy sessions. All are dedicated to working with patients with brain injury and all know their trade very well. They are a special group of people to whom we are very appreciative.


  1. Great news! Go get 'um Sherrie

    1. Labrum Family,

      We were away this past week and we are thrilled with the progress expressed in the postings. We will continue to keep Sherrie in our prayers for steady progress and for strength to all of you.

      God Bless,

      The Lacke's

  2. Such wonderful news! Having her squeeze your hand and follow you with her eyes is such incredible progress, and a window into being able to communicate with her. She's come so far in such a short period of time. It really is miraculous. It puts new meaning in joy!

  3. Ron,
    The last two posts have been such great news! It truly is amazing to hear that Sherrie is "working hard to get better." That just tells you right there what type of person she is. Please know that you are in the entire Blair family's thoughts and prayers.
    Karen Blair

  4. Sherrie's entire journey has been inspiring to follow, and is a testament to the strength of the human body/will/spirit, as well as how strong of a family it takes to continuously endure such a taxing process... May continued prayers and blessings be upon the entire medical staff, the Labrum family, and Sherrie most especially
    God bless!
    -Elder Andersen-

  5. What an amazing gal!! What an amazing group of people she is blessed with to work with her. No doubt they can feel her tremendous spirit and look forward to the time they get to work with her. Thank you for letting us share this journey with you. Things are progressing well. I'll bet she'll be winking at you soon!!

  6. Go Sherrie! While I know how difficult this must be, as I listen to my little Luke earnestly pray for Sherrie every night I am grateful for opportunities to pray and see Heavenly Father answer our prayers and show us miracles.
    Some day I will thank Sherrie for helping a young boy gain a testimony of prayer.
    We love the Labrums!
    Jennifer Dial

  7. Ron, each day as I run to prepare for this 5k that Sherrie has inspired me to run, when I am feeling that I am nearing my limit, I think of how much harder Sherrie is being pushed and the taxing that does to her, and it makes me keep going. I look for a post each day, but as you (I think it was actually Brandon) indicated, your posts might come less frequently as your family's marathon continues, but it doesn'tdiscourage us from checking in and continuing to pray! Keep going!

    Regina DeDominicis

  8. Dear Team Labrum,
    Great news! Ron, your spirit sounds so buoyed by Sherrie's progress. I was at synagogue yesterday and said MiShebeirach for Sherrie. Here's the definition: "One of the central Jewish prayers for those who are ill or recovering from illness or accidents is the Mi Sheberakh, whose name is taken from its first two Hebrew words. With a holistic view of humankind, it prays for physical cure as well as spiritual healing, asking for blessing, compassion, restoration, and strength, within the community of others facing illness as well as all Jews, all human beings."

  9. continued...
    What your friend told you is so true. If you recall, I told you about my friend's granddaughter who is recovering from a TBI. She said that when she awoke from her coma, she thought that she was still in Chile instead of Northwestern. It makes sense, when you realize that's where consciousness ended. So keep orienting her to time and space.

    Thinking of all of you with love,

  10. Ron, What great news of Mrs. Labrum's progress. I personally admire your character and your courage as you too struggle through this. Thanks so much for the updates, and count on my continued prayers for your wife, yourself and your entire family.

  11. C'mon Sherrie!!! Ok, a few funny thoughts that have been passing through my mind the past month. 1) Sherrie having to show me how to arrange a scarf for the Chicago Winters (She is a pro - I was not)
    2) While sharing a few recipes for lunch one afternoon, Sherrie shared her version of Chicken Bundles, which she said "or as my sons call them 'Chicken Buttholes'". I cracked up. But all who try, like her recipe best!
    3) Dallin asking her if she could play today, Sherrie's response to that little 3 year old was "yes, I love to play" and off they went to the trampoline.

    Stay strong, fight hard... you have a team rooting for you like you are an olympic athlete!!


  12. The progress Sherrie has made is amazing - and a testament to the strong woman she is. I was so touched by the strength of your testimony this morning. Thank you for sharing a part of this journey. We love and pray for all of you.

    Erik & Kathy Jacobsen

  13. We just heard the news and were dumbstruck. Then, so grateful to read the updates on the great strides that have been made. Sherrie has always been such a bright light in the lives of those she touches. We often think fondly of Sherrie and each and every one of you. We are very impressed (but not surprised) with the level of family support and commitment demonstrated. We know this support will help give Sherrie the strength she will need. You are all in our thoughts. Tim and Lisa
