Monday, June 4, 2012

Sunday blessings

Sunday's have always been special times in the Labrum household. We attend our church meetings and afterward, Sherrie will usually have a family over to the house for dinner so we can get to know them better. Always a little touch that makes so many people feel comfortable and loved. This is our third sunday of this journey. I would love to have her by my side doing all the things we normally do, but it's just not possible right now. Nevertheless, I feel close to her as I watch her and hold her hand.

Today is another day of progress. Her temperature is getting closer to normal and the latest scans taken last night show continued improvement. Last night she had her eyes open for a couple of hours and when doing some suctioning, she lifted her right arm up as if to say...STOP! The more movement and improvement in vital signs are all good news for us. We will not have anything conclusive or predictive for sometime, but we are grateful for little indications of hope.

We have spend a good part of the day reading to her, talking and playing her favorite Tabernacle choir songs. I believe she becomes more relaxed as we do these simple yet important things. This evening Zach received his Eagle scout award. It was another evening where Mom was not physically there, but we could not help but feel her presence and approval as we gathered together for these important events. I don't know how it works, but I do know it does. There is just a feeling of calm where we know she is happy, proud and excited about how her family is gathered together to support one another.

I should also point out that while Zach received his Eagle, it was really Mom that should take all the credit. I helped with the camping and fun stuff. She pushed him (loved him) to get the "not so fun" stuff completed so he could be where he is today. Thanks to all.


  1. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Thank you for your consistent example of faith and righteousness. We love you.


    Jarom Burbank & Family
    (Brik's nephew)

  2. Sunday was the first day to see Labrum family. It was fitting & heartwarming to see them in church. Although I missed Sherrie. Testimonies from Zach & Ron were strong & touched my heart. I send my huggs as I feel they are needed. My prayers & love ....Susana

  3. Thanks for the update, Ron. So happy to hear of continued progress! ~Julia Wright

  4. A prayer for the medical providers.

  5. Labrum family,
    We have been praying for you since the moment we heard the news. We are thinking about you constantly and truly feel like our dad is close by your family helping provide strength. We love you so much. Our hearts are so full of compassion for what you are experiencing. Please know we love you and are sending prayers and thoughts your direction.
    Love you Sherrie! Keep fighting. You're an amazing woman!

    Love, Chelsea (and the whole Ted Davis family)

  6. Ron, you are a rock! You and the kids are teaching us even through your trials. Please tell Sherrie that I'm ready for a pedicure and I'd like her to go with me! She's the one that got me hooked on them years ago. We love you all so. You are not alone in this. Continued prayers and on the temple prayer rolls here in the Salt Lake Valley.

    All our love,
    Kevin and Laurel Smith
