Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Saturday Post

As we end the week, I reflect on the past 7 days and marvel at the journey. We started the week with a trip from Miami to Chicago and ended with the graduation of our youngest child. Through the week, I  continue to be amazed at the strength and resiliency of my dear wife. While she is  the sweetest and most giving person I know, she is a fighter!

On thursday we convinced the nurses she needed the rest of her hair removed. After two weeks and some quick surgeries, her hair was not close to her standard, so we gave her the Sade look. Now with all the tubes removed from her face and a nice even head shave, she looks great! Her movements seem more frequent and she will open her eyes more often. Responding to commands would be a wonderful thing!

We are anxious to get her out of ICU and hope to have this happen sometime next week. From there she will go to the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago. This is a wonderful place with great care and experience to continue making miracles happen. We continue to take this journey a step at a time. We have talked a lot about small, but really important things that have happened that have meant so very much to Sherrie and our family. They are not coincidental! They have brought us together in an even stronger way than we were before. We are more patient, concerned and appreciative of one another. That in and of itself is a great blessing.

This summer will be a defining moment for our family. We will continue to pray, laugh and cry together as we continue the journey. We pray for great things to happen over the next weeks and months. We again thank all for your continued thoughts and prayers on Sherrie 's behalf. Prayer is the souls sincere desire uttered or expressed...I know this to be true! 


  1. We love you, Labrum family! Sherrie will be really mad when she realizes she missed Graduation, but she will be so proud of how you are all loving and taking care of each other. Congratulations to Zach, and continued prayers for all of you.

  2. Your faith and courage is a great witness to the importance of eternal family bonds and God's presence in our lives.

    My mother was at the Rehab. Institute of Chicago - I was very impressed with it. I'm sure Sherrie is receiving and will continue to receive the very best care.

    We continue to pray and pray and pray.
    Love, Lorraine

  3. Way to go Zach!! It's so great to see all your smiling faces in the pics. Hugs and kisses from the Costleys.

  4. Ron and family...
    Along with you, our family members’ testimonies grow and our hearts are full of gratitude as we hear of Sherrie moving toward recovery. As you wait patiently on the Lord, we know you have felt the Lord’s love so real, so near. You are in our daily prayers. We pray for healing for Sherrie; along with the peace and comfort for you all that comes through the Atonement of our Savior.
    Congratulations Zach and for the joy you are bringing to your family during this time!
    With love from, Frank and Janet and family

  5. It’s Sunday evening. I just finished reading the blog and catching up on this wonderful lady. She has to be a wonderful soul because of the testimonials of so many people. I particularly loved the photo of Ron, and I presume their children. The photo of the young man with the young child is obviously the son of Ron Labrum.

    As it states in Mark 5:36, “……..don’t be afraid; just believe.”

    Lord, I pray for Sherrie just as Your Word tells me to pray for healing. I believe You hear this earnest prayer from my heart and that it is powerful because of Your promise. I have faith in you Lord to heal Sherrie. You are a good Father. You hear our cries. You are a compassionate Father. I ask You to give this family peace Father God. Having You to lean on in this difficult time is like the security of a warm blanket.


  6. Dear Labrum Family, you don't know me but Paul Walker is a good friend of mine, and he told me about your sweet wife and mother Sherrie. I've been following your blog and just wanted you to know that many people you don't even know are thinking of you and praying for you and for Sherrie. She, and each one of you are so inspiring to me. What an amazing family and such an example to all of us. My thoughts and prayers will continue to be with you. Todd Davis, Salt Lake City, Ut.
