Monday, June 4, 2012

Monday Monday

Not a whole lot going on today. The doctors are watching to see if she is developing a little pneumonia. This is not unusual for this type of injury so they are very active in staying on top of the testing and antibiotics. For the fourth day in a row the blood flow to her brain is good with no more spasms. Today we started her exercise program which will keep her arms and legs limber. I was the trainee and according to the physical therapist, I did okay. As I move her limbs, I see her eyes move and sometimes open. I long for the day when she will open her eyes and say "hi".

I should state, and my children will confirm, I am not a blogger, tweeter or any kind of social media participant. However, in this situation, I find writing about my day with my sweetheart therapeutic. Despite her inability to talk, she continues to have a major impact on my life. I just feel better when I am around her.


  1. Hang in there, Ron. She knows you are there. We love you both.

  2. She makes everyone feel better when she is around them. Thank you for writing - we hang on every word!

  3. A blogger....who wold have thunk.....Thank you though.. Your words are so comforting to us all. I love you.

  4. Thank you, Ron. It is great to hear the updates daily. There are people who have never met you and Sherrie who are fasting and praying for your family and checking the blog every day. I know there are dozens of our family and friends scattered around who love Sherrie because she is so important to us. Michelle is probably jealous that you get to train Sherrie now, and there's no whining or talking back.

  5. I don't do the blogger thing either. This is the exception. I wake each morning anxious to hear any & all "Sherrie" news. We are all blessed that you, Ron, share your sweet moments with us. I feel like you are speaking to each one individually. I feel so much closer to Sherrie.
    My prayers follow you with each step you take to administer to your sweet Sherrie. She will gain strength from your touch.
    Huggs from Susana

  6. Thank you so much for the updates, I check the blog several times a day to hear any word from your sweet family. We love you.

  7. Ron, this blog is vital to so many people. I have a friend that asks me quite often how my "friend in Chicago is doing." I read your previous post to her yesterday and she thought it was Brittany posting. She was impressed with how well you put your feelings into words. Sherrie is so lucky to have you by her side on a daily basis. As Brittany said, this is a marathon. Keep runnin'!


  8. Ron, I So appreciate your vulnerability and honesty. I love how you love Sherrie, the depth and commitment to her and your marriage are evident and refreshing. Thank you so much for the continued update. And in response to Claire's comment, I am totally jealous that you get to train her, especially without the whining! But, I know my day is coming, just not sure when, but I know it will come. So I will wait patiently in the meantime. Love you all

  9. Thank you Ron for taking such good care of my big sister. I have never doubted that, through you, she is getting the best possible care. Thank you for doing the hard things that don't come naturally to you, like blogging, among other things. I try to imagine how hard this is for you, but I know I can't. I'm glad you have your kids with you and are willing to lean on them a little. I am anxiously awaiting the day it is my turn to be with Sherrie and offer my support in person. It will be a little like propping up a pillar with a pebble, but luckily I am one of many pebbles :) In the meantime, I will continue to pray for her (and you) at every opportunity. I love you all so much, Shar

  10. Ron,
    As with many, Marcia and I read this blog several times a day. It is heartening to see the strides being made, if only baby steps. As we read we are beginning to distinguish the 'voice' of each writer.

    Several years back Marcia was admitted to a hospital because of severe pain. It was nearly a week, with her receiving heavy duty pain meds, before they correctly diagnosed her situation. During that time, as I sat by her bed, I realized she wouldn't remember who came by to visitand wonder why none if her friends or family came by. I kept a small journal to assure her that they did indeed come by.

    This blog is Sherrie's journal. Marcia and I pray that she will be with you soon to read of the great love her family and friends have for her.

    Jeff & Marcia

  11. Dear Labrums,
    Our family has been praying for you and Sherrie and wish we could do more. Every day we read your blog and Mark and I talk about what each of the changes means for Sherrie's total recovery. Thank you for keeping us updated and sharing your news.
    We love you and are looking forward to a miracle!
    Mark and Erin Russell

  12. Dear Pres. Labrum -

    We are praying with you for the day when Sherrie will open her eyes and be able to communicate to you all the love she feels for you and for your family. Even as you go through this difficult trial, you and your family have influenced our family by your example of deep faith in God and love for one another. We love you dearly, and we are joining our hearts with yours in sincere prayer for Sherrie.

    Jim and Elise Bouc

  13. Dear Labrum Family,

    I have "Updates on Our Sweet Mom" up on my bookmarks toolbar. It is one of the first things I check in the morning and throughout the day. Phil and I continue to pray that the day will come soon when Sherrie opens her eyes and acknowledges your presence both in word and actions. Thank you for reminding us of the tender mercies and small miracles that the Lord blesses us with on a daily basis. We love you.

    Phil and Thea McFerrin/Lake Villa 2 Ward

  14. President Labrum, thank you for the updates, you and your sweet wife are such a great example to me, me and my family are praying for you everyday, we love you so much! I always wondered when I met Brandon on the mission what kind of parents he had because he was always such a nice person, and I always thought that his parents were amazing then I met you and I was right! Thank you, Tell sister Labrum that my little girls pray for her everyday, and we do it for you too!

    Bea, Chris, Estrella and Isabella jones

  15. I'm so glad you are willing to share. Your experiences uplift me and make me more grateful for all the little things in life. Best wishes to Sherrie and your whole family. And congrats to Zach!

    Mindee Spackman West

  16. One of these days, when you are doing physical therapy she is going to round house kick you! That is her eyes opened - so beware Ron! You really are doing a great job as a blogger! I check every day to see how you are all doing! I really appreciate that you take the time to serve us - as usual - with updates! We love you all very much!
    the Herzig gang!
