Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Another Day to be Grateful

It has been almost two weeks since the accident. Much has happened that has taught us about the fragility of life, the importance of family and faith and the influence a loving Heavenly Father has on His children. The past two weeks have been filled with lots of prayers, tears and wonderful blessings. That might sound strange when there is so much travail and sorrow, but we have found that just as things become darkest, a guiding light shines through bringing peace and hope to a struggling husband, father, children and friends.

Throughout this journey, we have witnessed many little things that reaffirm we are not alone. Despite a helicopter trip, two life flights and four ambulance rides, we are grateful for so many who have done so much. Physicians and nurses that have given care to Sherrie have all commented on how lucky we are to have such wonderful children...we both agree! In all the places we have been we depart the hospital with gratitude for Doctor's and Nurses's that have become an important part of our life as they have given great care and sensitivity to my sweetheart.

The last two days have been full of x-rays, scans, probes, tests and despite all the transfers, transfusions and trauma, Sherrie continues to be strong. The doctors had an initial concern yesterday that one of the arteries in her brain may have restricted flow, but all came back fine. She has been running a bit of a fever, but to date, it is not due to infection. Doctors contribute it to the healing going on in the brain. It is very common for patients that stay stationary for long periods of time to get pneumonia. For Sherrie that is not the case. As of this evening, she is stable, continues to breathe on her own and even yawns from time to time. All of these small yet important blessings are "tender mercies" sent from heaven of which we are very grateful.

We are at the point where we now wait and watch. Tomorrow they will put a feeding tube directly into her stomach. This will be important as she makes her way from the ICU into a Rehab environment. As the doctors told us today, "this will be a marathon". So far she has made good improvement with every move. As we wait, we will continually use the power of prayer to comfort, heal and receive revelation. We appreciate so very much, all the prayers on Sherrie's behalf. I know they are heard! I know they help and I know that the Lord's will shall be done.  Thanks for caring and may the Lord bless you and your families. Sincerely, Ron


  1. Ron, thank you for sharing your faith! Keep up the fight! We are fasting and praying for each of you.

  2. As we've been praying for Sherrie to wake-up it reminded me of a conversation Sherrie and I had several years ago. She was telling me how she just hated having to wake up Zach so early for seminary. She shared how she'd start the shower to warm it up for him then snuggle up beside him and scratch his back to help ease him awake. I always thought that was so sweet and even started waking up my own kids the same way. After many early mornings teaching seminary, I'm sure Sherrie needed a good catch up on all that missed sleep, but now I think it's time to start warming up the shower and tickling her back. Sherrie--we love you! It's time to wake-up! -Michelle Paul

  3. Continued prayers you way.

  4. Keeping you all in our prayers.
    Brad & Karen Russon & family

  5. With tears in my eyes I marvel at the love your family has for this one...amazing woman. Although I've only met her a handful of times, I am privileged to know her daughter who is of no doubt a product of Sherrie's amazing stewardship as her mother. With this knowledge I stand sure of the person she is and all the many kind things you write about her are true. Many prayers from Jeremy and I on your family's behalf. Brittany we love you and your family. May Heavenly Father encircle you all in his arms and carry you through this most difficult time.

    - Jeremy and Randee Mitchell

  6. My Dearest Older Brother,
    Thank you for your example in my life! Alan and I have always looked up to both you and Sherrie and the way you care for each other and your family. I know the best birthday present for you today would be for Sherrie to wake up, but at the same time, you know it's in our Heavenly Father's hands, and have received gift after gift after gift of tender mercies....tender gifts. I hope you find strength today in all our prayers for you and Sher.
    I love you!

  7. Mrs. Labrum and Labrum Family,
    You are in our daily thoughts, and we are praying for you.
    Love, The Bernsee Family

  8. Ron,

    It is a privilege to participate in the fast for Sherrie today. We have been explicit in our petitions to the Lord that she be allowed to wake up very soon and hope with all our hearts that that is His will.

    We are extremely mindful of her and your entire family each and every day. Last night as my husband, David, was blessing the food before dinner, Caleb (our 3-year-old) interrupted him in the middle of the prayer and whispered, "Daddy, don't forget to bless Sherrie Labrum to wake up!"

    May the Lord ease the many burdens upon your shoulders at this time!

    Jenny Ludlow

  9. Dear Ron and kids,
    I know I speak for the multitudes of family and friends as I express gratitude for each of you in keeping us updated on Sherrie. I continually browse this blog several times a day to see posts. As I look at these precious pictures of Sher with her Ron, grandbabies and kids, it's very difficult to imagine her any other way. We cry with you, we rejoice at every bit of good news, our hearts are softened thinking of you experiencing this horrific ordeal, we pray and fast with you... I received a phone call from a friend earlier today who I haven't talked to in months. I knew it was 'Shelley' calling, but her voice sounds just like Sherrie's!!! Then the tears came... You are not alone, as you well know.

    Don't forget how much all of you are loved by all of us! Labrum's have armies of angels rooting and cheering for Sherrie. Since we can't overrun the hospital with visits, please kiss her cheek and give her a hug for us! We love you guys!

    Laurel and Kevin Smith and fam

  10. I put Sherrie's name in the Temple last Saturday (it was BGII Stake Temple day in Chicago)... and smiled when I saw her name already on the longer separate prayer roll list. "Of course", I thought to myself, "she has probably been in every session today." -- I thought you would smile too thinking about how many times her name has been raised in those sacred places.

    It warms my heart to think about how many prayers and petitions are raised daily on her behalf. Surely, He is saying... "alright already. I hear everybody! I give. haha" :-)

    much love from the Austins

  11. Ron and Sherrie,
    It has been said that "it takes a village" to raise a child. Marcia and I believe it takes another set of parents with like values who the child eventually chooses.

    A modern day prophet stated that "as parents,we should remember that our lives may be the book from the family library which the children most treasure...We truly are an open book in the library of our homes." (Pres. Monson)

    Marcia and I were blessed that our eldest daughter, Kasi, chose Sherrie Labrum (it was a package deal and Ron came with the package) as her 'book to read' as her second parents. We have seen the love Kasi has for you.

    As Marcia and I have been busy packing we came across an expression of yours to our daughter 14 years ago...
    "Hey spacey-Kasi..I loved having you in my class the past two years. You were a an awesome president. You are a wonderful friend and one of the most caring people I know. I love you! Sherrie"

    Sherrie- she got her caring from her mom Marcia and reinforced by her mom Sherrie!
    Thank you for your continued influence on our daughter and family.

    Our prayers continue to be with your families and friends. We love you Sherrie...jeff and Marcia

  12. Stay strong. We have the Greek prayers covered.
    - The Sideris Family

  13. Ron,

    You all are forever on our minds and we continually lift Sherrie before the throne. We appreciate your honesty about the reality of this difficult circumstance...just in case this is in question at all...the Hollingsworths are in for the marathon!! We love you all and are grateful and honored to do this journey with you

  14. I thought it would be a good idea to put our dear Sherrie's name on the prayer roll at the Chicago Temple, and I know that I will continue, as needed, to put it on there every two weeks. I have enjoyed so much reading about about her progress. All my love to all of you, may the Lord continue to shine down upon each and everyone of you, especially Sherrie. :)
