Sunday, May 20, 2012

We're back at the hotel now.  Although, we can't spend much time with Mom at the hospital, it's always hard to leave her there.  Before we left, Dad was able to talk to the Dr. Baez and the intensivist.  Fortunately, there has been continued progress.  Her intracranial pressure has continued to reduce, which is a great sign as we look for the swelling to subside on the left side of her brain.  When we left, she was just one point outside the high end of the normal range and significantly down from where she was when we arrived in Santo Domingo.  Also, they took her off the sedation and paralytic meds for three hours to begin testing her neurological function by watching her response to external stimuli.  She moved both her legs and right arm voluntarily - nothing from the left arm this time around (she moved it yesterday), but we are told not to worry too much about that yet.  All in all, this is another good sign.  The biggest issue were managing to now is her hemoglobin - its is still a bit low and we need to make sure it goes up so her brain is getting as much oxygen rich blood into her brain as possible.  This is biggest hurdle for getting her ready to fly to Miami - we are hoping to see progress in this area tomorrow.  This was another good day with continued movement in the right direction.  Go mama - she is one tough cookie!!!

Before we sign off for the night, I wanted to say a few things about Dad.  After I wrote my last post, I realized I had failed to comment on the way our Dad continues to lead our family through this tumultuous journey.  He is a great man, and though he is hurting in ways none of us could have ever imagined, he continues to stand as the spiritual and emotional head of our family.  We love him dearly.  He has taught us how to be men and women of principle, integrity, and faith - I can't say we have always been good at internalizing those lessons, but he has always been teaching.  We have continued to learn from him over the last few days.  He committed to his wife 34 years ago to stand by her side as a companion and helpmeet and he's lived that commitment to its fullest in these dark hours.  We have all commented about the example he is setting for us and our children - we go to bed at night wanting to love our spouses a little deeper and renew our commitment to consistently putting their needs before our own.  We will forever be grateful for the standard of love and compassion he and my mom have established - we pray we can live up to it.

My mom's suffering has made us all a bit more aware of others that may be suffering around us.  We recognize that we haven't cornered the market on emotional and physical pain - there are so many others out there (including many of you who are so kindly participating in this blog, like our good friends the Reeders) who stand in need of extra love and healing during trials.  By helping us become more empathetic and loving, our mom's experience has an individualized life-saving element to it for each one of us.  Please look for opportunities over the coming days to reach out to those in need, to lift the heads that hang down, and tell someone you love them.

Thank you all again and good night.

Brandon and crew


  1. Ron and Family

    You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

    Kathy Weber

  2. Go Sherrie, go! After so many years of you being the head cheerleader for all of us, we are now all united in cheering for you! You can do this!

  3. Brandom, your mom is one of those women you meet and love instantly, she is such a great example for me, every time I think about my life and marriage I think about women like her who are wonderful! And your dad, we love him so much, I am eternally grateful to him and your mom for being constant in loving Chris so he could go on a mission and be the kind of man he is now, we love you! And you, well, you know what I think about you, you are one of the greatest examples I have! Animo, se que se hara la voluntad del Padre, estamos orando por ustedes, abrazos mi amigo eterno!

  4. Every night before my grandparents go to bed they say a prayer together. They have a list of people to pray for and I asked them tonight at dinner to please add Sherrie to their list. We sat at my parents dining room table (9 of us) and I read this blog to them. Everyone was so touched by the sweet stories of your mom and are so sad for the pain she has suffered. We were all so moved by all of your strength. Please know that your mom has touched so many peoples lives and we are all cheering her on to get through this obstacle. The updates today are all positive news and we will continue to say our prayers to our Father above to have Sherrie be stable enough so she can make her way to Miami. Go Sherri go!

  5. Thank you for the continued updates. The stream of prayers from Louisiana will remain steady!

  6. Breaks my heart to read this blog, but also feels me with a tremendous amount of humble gratitude for our Father in Heaven who clearly loves Sherrie and is looking after her and each one of your family. I keep thinking about Rodney's thoughts he shared with all of us on Easter...look forward to that wonderful Sunday morning! It will come! You can do it Sherrie, you sweet thing! We're all praying for you!

  7. Labrum Family,

    We are SO saddened to hear about Sherrie. We were telling our kids tonight about your great family and how warm and welcoming Bishop Labrum and Sherrie were to us when we moved to Illinois. Sully remembered his "Bishop Ball" that Bishop Labrum gave him. I loved being around Sherrie she reminded me of my mom that I had just moved away from. I was always in awe of the example of motherhood and generosity that she practiced. She once gave the best talk on motherhood and it has stuck with me all these years later. Please know that Sherrie and your family are in our prayers and we are cheering her on!

    John and Joslyn Nielson

  8. Dearest Labrum Family,

    I have tried for days to put my thoughts and feelings to words to share with you the love our family has not only for Sherrie, but for your entire family. We sooo appreciate and yearn for updates on the little miracles your family is receiving. Keep sharing!

    I don't think I can specifically point out a favorite Sherrie story... every time I get to talk or visit with her is my favorite. I remember the first time I met your family - specifically at the Hutchins's home about 20 years ago. She has loved each one in our family so dearly as her own. Never judging when we made mistakes, but always cheering us up to become more like our Savior. Anyone who meets Sherrie is a better person having met her.

    Our family has been blessed by having Sherrie be my leader and also my daughter's leader. We told Chloë on Friday about Sherrie and she has been praying for her since then. How beautiful it is to hear the prayers of little children not only each day but specifically in time of need.

    Our farge family has not had the best of luck in good health over the many years we have known each other. 10 years ago last week, a routine hospital test turned into a life saving proceedure for one of them. Sherrie came to the hospital to sit with my mother and comfort her during those long hours of uncertainty. I know that day has always stood out to her about the love, kindness and friendship Sherrie has had with her.

    She has always been there for our family in small and great times of need. All of our family members have been blessed and are better people by the strength and love of Sherrie. May Heavenly Father continue to bless you with the little miracles.

    We love your family so much and continue to pray for peace and comfort.

    Love, Holly (Worthen) Steve and Chloë Gedye

  9. Ron, my heart goes out to you and your children! It is wonderful to see that you are surrounded by so many family and friends that love you! Add me to that list! I have always looked up to you as an example of faith and good deeds! I pray the Lord will continue to bless you and your children during this difficult time! I pray that Sherrie will be able to go back home with you! That you will have the opportunity to love and care for her and her for you! Love and prayers for you and your family!

    Debbie Devey Hadlock

  10. I feel guilty making a comment, as it has been 10 years since we moved from the Buffalo Grove II ward, and there are so many family members and people close to your family who you need to hear from. However, I believe that the impression she made on me in the relatively short while I was blessed to know her further attests to the incredibly influential person she is.

    Chris and I were raised in small, rural towns in Utah. I had never even been inside such a large home. :) Sherrie showed me that you could could be well off AND be very genuine, sincere, and "normal". Like I mentioned before, we were just college students, but the Labrums and other ward members included us in their lives and treated us like family.

    Susan suggested we share some thoughts about Sherrie. One particular evening, Sherrie was going to teach the Enrichment Night lesson. The sister conducting introduced her, and Sherrie walked in wearing a white bathrobe, carrying a laundry basket, with her hair all wrapped up in a towel! She read a long list (tongue in cheek) of things that had gone wrong that day, things like backing into a mailbox, burning dinner, missing an appointment, etc. I remember after she finished, she sort of apologized, saying something along the lines of, "I'm sorry, but I just have to include a little humor in everything." Then she took her towel off, smoothed her hair, and continued her fantastic lesson.

    I also remember when she gave a talk or testimony and spoke so highly of Ron. She told of his faith in his children, giving them difficult jobs that he knew they could accomplish.

    I was Zach's primary teacher the year he was baptized, and Chris taught seminary and I think Sunday School to one/some of the boys. Now the boys are all grown up and as handsome as ever!

    Prayers continue to go out from Rexburg!

    Becky Wilson

  11. Thank you for your message and your perspective on trials, Brandon.

    I just sobbed this morning reading through all the posts. You guys are doing such a great job on the updates. I sobbed not only because of the sadness I fee for our family, but more so because my heart was so full thinking about the unity of you and your siblings gathered together on foreign soil with your parents. My testimony of miracles and tender mercies continues to be strengthened by these amazing posts and updates. You are all such amazing examples of faith and strength, especially your sweet mother.

    Prayers and thoughts,


  12. Dear Labrum family,

    I do not know your sweet mother or wife personally, but having lived in the BG Stake I know of your family's faith and strength through Ron's service as the Stake President. My heart and sympathies go out to you at this difficult time. You are constantly in my prayers. Thank you for the time you are taking to provide updates not only of her physical progress, but also to share your spiritual reflections. I pray that you will continue to receive strength, that Sherrie will continue to heal, and that the right people will continue to be available to meet all of your needs. The Lord's hands are in this. There is no doubt in my mind that you will be guided and blessed through his help. May he continue to send angels to bear you up.

    Love and prayers,
    Kim Walton

  13. Ron and Family
    I just learned of this today from my mom and my heart sank. I have always loved you guys so much, even though it is only the few and far between Adams reunions that I get to see you. You are all so awesome and an inspiration to us all. I hope the faith and love that you have always shared with others will come back to you 10fold. We will have Sherrie and all of you in our prayers.
    Eric McClellan

  14. Labrum Family,
    Our hearts have melted and tears flow freely for all of you at this difficult time. The Schupples join in the prayers, fasting and love for our beloved Sherrie that the Lords tender mercies, miracles and peace will extend to her and to you. As all of us that know her or who have met her even for a moment, Sherrie is such a radiant spirit! What a blessing to have her in our lives! She is loved and cherished by many here and countless many beyond the veil. I feel I must add my own testimony from my own near-death experience about a year and a half ago which happened after I fell on my head when my front wheel came off of my bicycle, ripping my face apart and breaking my back and neck, I know that miracles happen through faith, prayers and the desires of those here on earth and those in the spirit world, and of course, are best aligned with the Lord’s will. Being close to the veil was such a peaceful and beautiful experience. I feel certain that Sherrie is also surrounded by a feeling of love and peace. I was also given a vision that I will never forget regarding how short life is here on earth. It is not the reality we think it is. No matter how long or short we live here, it is like a dream...a very important, very short time of testing for eternity. How wonderful that no matter what side of the veil or the state her body is in and that Father grants, Sherrie is a faithful, valiant, and radiant daughter of God sealed to be together forever with you, her family and raised up in perfection for eternity according to the atonement of Christ and sealing ordinances of the temple. We love you all so much and pray the very best for her and your family according to God's love.
    Sherra & family

  15. Labrum family,
    Since Friday I jump every time the phone rings hoping for me news, having said that I am so grateful to you all for doing this blog, I feel that it brings everyone together and provides so much hope. So thank you!
    I have spent the last couple of days showing Maura pictures of Sherrie and trying to jog her memory of one of the most amazing women I know. I keep telling her she will remember the next time we visit Sherrie.
    I want you all to know that over the past few days everywhere I go I have found myself telling people about sherrrie and asking for their prayers. I also find myself telling people all about Sherrie and how amazing and loving she is and how we all need her!
    I still can't believe this is happening but I know that things are in Heavenly Fathers hands. You are all so amazing and I thank you for your courage. I want you to know you are all in every prayer that is said at our house. We love you all so much!
    Meggie and family

  16. I too echo the sentiments from all the posts of well wishes. My heart aches for your family. Every time I read about Sherrie's update I just cry and cry. I've since learned to have the kleenex box next to the computer.

    I'm hopeful that these small miracles of meeting specialists at church, who have connections will result in the bigger miracle of Sherrie's healing.

    Here's my take on Sherrie. I first met her online when our sons were serving missions in Chile. We had just moved from Arizona to Illinois. I was jealous that they were going to go get Tyler from his mission and we were not able to do that because of financial reasons. When I actually met her face to face we were both called to be seminary teachers, thus attending monthly meetings. She was always so gracious.
    Here's this beautiful, wealthy, intelligent,fit, loving lady and she's speaking to me as if I'm her best friend.
    She's a gem!

    Two years ago my husband and I were called to be over Youth Conference and Pres. Labrum asked us to get the youth to Kirtland. It was a huge undertaking and Sherrie and Jan Nuttal helped out tremendously in obtaining food for 230 people while in Kirtland. They drove their suburbans to costco and loaded up on breakfast cuisine. Sherrie made the comment to me while setting up the food fare, how much she loved making, serving food especially to her family, simply because it makes them happy. (ok I despise planning, preparing and cooking,) But I took her sweet message to heart.
    She seems to do everything with a smile.
    What a tremendous example of living a Christ like life she is.

    I look at Zach and think, "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree". What a sweet, kind young man he is.

    Pres. Labrum you're a ROCK. I'm so sorry this tragedy has occurred, can't even imagine the pain you and your family are suffering through now. Just know that our prayers and love are with you.
    Tami Allred and Family

  17. Ron,
    Denise and I just heard the news this morning. Our thoughts and prayers are with Sherrie, you and the entire family and community. Peace be with you all. Our hearts are heavy but our faith strong and flowing your way.
    The Streppa's

  18. Dear beloved bro-in-law and all the Labrums,
    We've been thinking of you constantly, worried sick about Sherrie, and it's been such an inspiration and a blessing to read your amazingly positive and eloquent recent updates. We're in awe of the strength of your family. May we all learn something from the way you have rallied for and around your spectacular mother. Sending all our love and prayers to the DR (and hopefully very soon to Miami). Go Sherrie!
    Love, Meredith and Nicky

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. My Dear Labrums,

    It has been years... Know that our hearts are full and heavy to hear what has happened to Sherrie. You will be in our prayers--prayers for continued miracles. We have such fond memories of times we spent with your family. Sherrie was the Young Women's President when I (Noel) was in Young Women's. What a neat and fun lady! Your whole family is amazing.

    Our love to each of you,
    Noel Kemeny and family.

  21. Duane and I are so grateful to Ron and the kids for keeping us updated on Sherrie’s condition. We have been anxiously checking the blog several times a day and into the night. We are grateful to hear of any small progress and pray for steady improvement. You need no reminder but we also know that Sherrie is and always has been the warm and caring ambassador for her family—nuclear and extended. We always eagerly look forward to her plans and get-togethers with the Adams’ extended family—as difficult as it is with several generations, now. And we have always felt her open arms of love and willing acceptance—even as in-laws and steps (Carmen has such fond memories of Sherrie’s generous invite to your home during her first Thanksgiving away at college!). We know that your constant love, your presence, and your voices are giving her the strength to fight. We love you for your strength and steadfastness in your hourly commitment—as difficult and as exhausting as it must be. Ron and kids--you all have our constant prayers, love, and thoughts in this tumultuous journey. We wish Sherrie and each of you continued strength in this battle. All our love, Duane and Jan

  22. Dear Labrum Family,

    We mingle prayers with others in your behalf.

    Gary and Cynthia Lippincott
    Naperville Stake

  23. Brittney, we were so sorry to hear about your great mom. Our prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. We hope we can be of some assistance in helping out at your home. We love you,
    Terrie and Roland

  24. Dear Labrum family,

    What a joy to know you are all in such good hands. Please know that as with so many others that have expressed their love and appreciation for you all we too consider it an honor to call you friends. There is a wonderful peace that comes from all these experiences, and your family is the best part of them. Kathy and I have learned with our family what Elder Neal A. Maxwell once said regarding peace and faith in our Heavenly Father rings so true when we are given these amazing experiences. His comment has become our point of reference over time. He merely said that when times are challenging and the Lord asks us "Do you know why this happened? It is wonderful to be able to say "No, but you do" Ron and Sherrie, you are an inspiration to us all and we love your entire family. Continue to know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers and that all will be wonderful.

    All our love.
    Rick, Kathy and the girls.

  25. We love you all and are thinking of you constantly. Thank you for all the updates. -The Pauls

  26. We feel like your family is an extension of our family as we have heard about and been privileged to spend time with some of you over the years. Being in Ron and Sherrie's home, we have felt the love you all have for each other and the happiness you experience when you are all together. What a wonderful team you are and we know that together with your faith and love for your mom that you are helping in her progress. We are impressed by your testimonies and how you have been strengthened during this most difficult time. We add our love, faith and prayers. We fasted for Sherrie yesterday, will be putting her name in the St. Paul, Minnesota temple tomorrow and continue to plead with our Heavenly Father for her, for each of you and for those who are caring for her...We look forward with you for brighter days ahead.
    Much Love,
    Rick and Mauri Winder (Brik Eyre's niece...)

  27. Dear Ron and family,

    You are in our constant thoughts and prayers.

    Tom and Cathy Specht
