Monday, May 28, 2012

Chicago or Bust

It's Monday night and we just spoke with Ron. We are so relieved to say that Sherrie is coming home tomorrow. All things are set for her to arrive here, in Chicago, tomorrow in the early afternoon. A week and a half ago (seems like 4 months ago) we were wondering how long it would take us to get her to this point. We could not be more grateful or more pleased with the care she has had up until now. However, there is nothing like having her home and within our network of support.

It will take us a few days to figure out how we will rotate to spend the most time at the hospital. She is still in the ICU and only immediate family is allowed in to see her. They do that to keep her environment calm, reduce contamination, etc. The sheer number of Labrums in her immediate family may cause Northwestern to update their policy to be a little more exclusive! Both Northwestern and Sherrie are about to get a heavy dose of Labrum. 

She is still in her coma and we are waiting for her to wake up. She has continued to have eye flutters and moves her mouth quite a bit. Please keep her ability to wake up and have continued progress in your prayers. 

There have been many people who have asked what they can do for us and for Sherrie. For those who are local: once we get our feet under us, we will be organizing a schedule for meals and babysitting. We can't thank you enough for your willingness to help us. 

Those far away: we are playing music, audio clips, reading books and messages and talking to Sherrie. If you want to send an audio message for us to play, email it to: Otherwise, we will still be reading her your emails and blog comments.  

We have a long road ahead of us but we are thrilled that we are still traveling along it. 

 The Krieghbaums and Stephensons planted a garden for Sherrie with all of the ingredients needed for her famous salsa. They put in a sign that reads: "Surround yourself with friendship." Sounds like Sherrie.


  1. It's almost 1am central time and I'm unable to sleep... With Sherrie always on my mind I reach for my phone and hit refresh to update my last session on the blog and...What GREAT news!! Go Sherrie!! I'm sure it seems like an eternity since you have all been gone... Sherrie will only continue to flourish once she gets home and to be with all of her family again will be such a blessing for her:) my constant thoughts and prayers always. ~ Alissa McNicholas

  2. Sherrie may not notice things like a garage door closed or a car in the driveway....but she NEVER missed someone who needed a hug or a kind word. We look forward to that day again. We love all of you and you are in our prayers. Love, Rosemary McGrath

  3. We will be thinking about you as we finally get to leave the hospital today. So glad you are getting back to Chicago; there really is no place like home. We love you all so much!

  4. Home will feel so good to her I bet. Yeah! ~Kerri

  5. More great news! I think a "heavy dose of Labrums" will be the perfect medicine for Sherrie as she continues to recover. And - I agree with Rosemary -- Sherrie has always focused on hugs and kind words. She knows what really matters. Praying for her throughout this experience has caused me to reevaluate how I spend my time and energy, and to put more energy towards the hugs and kind words. Even as she lies in a coma she is influencing our lives for the better.

    Elise (Breillatt) Bouc

  6. We are so excited to hear about Sherrie's "homecoming"! We know that your constant presence with your voices will be exactly what she needs! We are so anxious to hear of that breakthrough and are constantly praying and thinking of the healing that will be coming. We miss you and love you and look forward to family get-togethers with you soon! You can do this, Sherrie! You and your big brother have pulled strong before (remember that high school car accident?) and he's pulling for you every minute, now! All our love, Duane and Jan

  7. "A heavy dose of Labrum" is good medicine! I will pray for a safe flight and her continued progress.
    Wake up Sherrie, we have so much to tell you! I love you and miss you; you are always in my prayers. Love you, Shar

  8. Words don't adequately describe the joy I have for all of you, especially Sherrie, that this journey is now going to be in Chicago. Maybe "home turf" will be just what she needs.

    Thank you for your testimony that has been evident in every post. My testimony has been strengthened and my prayers have become more personal as I have prayed for specific things for your mom.

    Please share my love to her. I can't wait to go home and be able to give her a hug myself.

    And Brittney, if you need a smile for the day, remember when we went bike riding with Ashley and my front wheel fell off and I went sliding across the pavement on my face? As much as the road rash/hamburger face and broken thumb hurt, I always giggle when I think about how funny that must have been to watch. Love you!

  9. I find myself along with others "glued" to the computer waiting for an update on how our fighter is doing. I can't go to bed unless I know exactly what is going on. Steve calls home during his break at work asking if I have an update on Sherrie. I pick Chloe up from school and she asks how Sis Labrum is. She continues to be in our hearts, thoughts and prayers.

    Your family has been a great example to me in becoming a more loving and patient mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend, teacher, co-worker etc... I am not quick to be upset anymore, but finding myself turning towards the characteristics of Sherrie. I want to be known as a loving Sherrie in all that I do. What a lovely example of the Savior she is. I am so honored to know that I can be counted in one of the 1000's of friends your family and Sherrie has.

    Our family talks alot about the wonderful memories of each one of you. Last night with Chloe I told her about meeting up with Brandon and Wendy in London to meet up with a friend who was on tour with his band. Chloe thought it was soooo funny she was jamming to the music while she was in my tummy! You were so kind to let me stay with you and experience a bit of "friends from home" that I was sooooo homesick to have. We love you guys so much.

    WAY TO GO SHERRIE!! There is nothing quite like comming home. This is something our little family fought for many years to do. To be reunited as a family does wonders for the heart and soul. May Heavenly Father continue to bless you individually. I know He loves each and every one of you.

    Now keep fighting Sherrie!! Wake up so you can give them all hugs and kisses. They need them, and so do you!



  10. WELCOME HOME!!!! I was just listening to my Pandora in my office and Frankie Vali started singing "She-er-rie, can you come out tonight?" It made me laugh and remember the time we were in Ohio for youth conf. Sherrie was in a room with Margaret, Brit Schupple, and I. Ron came to the door to say good night or good morning (I don't remember the details to well, apparently 29 is old-mind-forgetful-mode) to her and this is what he sang from the outside of the door ... So Sherrie, come out tonight ... come back to us and play with us, laugh with us, cry with us. FIGHT Sherrie!!!

    I'm so glad you are all home together. All my love and prayers to you.

  11. Thank you all so much for taking the time to share updates with all of are all constantly on our minds and in our hearts! We are so glad that Sherrie was able to arrive here safely and are thrilled to hear of her progress!!!! We are ready to help however we can. We are offering prayers of thanks for all of the tender mercies we are hearing about and will continue to pray for Sherrie and all of you!
    The Smith's

  12. I am so bad at doing these comments... I think I have tried to comment on every post but I seem to mess it up... let's see if this one works...

    YAYYYY! This is such great news!! I can not even imagine how long this past week and a half has gone for y'all. I am so glad to have y'all here so we can help out with whatever necessary! We are constantly checking this blog & saying prayers for sweet Sherrie. On our trip home from Iowa today, Peyton said the prayer and he said "Please tell Jesus to open Sister Labrum's eyes."
    Keep fighting Sherrie! Stay Strong Labrum Family!
    The Rhodes'

  13. Here's a video clip to play for Sherrie of just a couple of the many, many fun and crazy skits she's done through the years that always endear us to her! We love you Sherrie!!!!

    1. We drove into. Libertyville at 1:30am Wed. AM. 1st thing to do was check "the blog". Sooooo excited to know that Sherrie is in the same state with me. Sherrie is such an inspiration to me and look forward to see and hear from her. My prayers are stronger and more fervent for her complete recovery. We love you....Susana Parkin
