Wednesday, May 23, 2012

MRI Results

We just got off the phone with the Miami crew. I'm starting to learn that with this type of injury, you don't get many immediate results and answers. It involves a lot of waiting and further testing. That said, here is our latest information:

-She needs to have an angioplasty. This is to check for and prevent blood clots in her brain.
-Typically, you hope for the patient to wake up from their coma 7-12 days after their injury. Tomorrow will be the seventh day for Sherrie. Our direct and immediate prayers are still that she wakes up from the coma.
-She is doing better (has more movement and better results) than her charts indicate she should be doing.
-Jury is still out on the Thalamus. Brandon will have to post more in depth information, but basically we still don't know the extent of the damage there.

The doctors have told us that we are in somewhat unchartered waters with Sherrie's case and the bilateral refraction. That is one reason it is difficult to assess a long term prognosis at this time.

 This was taken in 2006, before Todd left for his mission to India

Sherrie and Zach skiing in Utah 2008


  1. We continue to pray and send thoughts of love and hope to you and Sherrie! Just know that you are all constantly on our minds, and we wish you continued strength in this fight. Duane and Jan

  2. How I remember the waiting and thinking I would get answers after they told me a test would be done and then just hearing more tests are needed. We often laughed stating how much of a 'practice' medicine was, but how grateful we continue to be that someone will take on this challenging practice. Our prayers and thoughts continue with you daily and how grateful we are to you that you are continuing to post for all following this amazing woman's challenge. Kas had me sit and go through her boxes of pictures last night and pull all the 'Labrums' to send to her, I smiled and laughed looking through all the memories. What a gift and I was amazed how this gorgeous woman seems to defy aging!

  3. The Henkes, Haslams (Tara) and the Andersons (Corina) are all praying for more miracles for Sherrie. When I think of her, I think "unflappable." She's always seemed to take everything in stride, with unwavering faith. We pray that faith will bring her through this ordeal.

  4. Ron and family, I just heard the news concerning Sherrie from a mutual friend, President Evans. Vickie and I are praying for her well being and will continue to do so. You two, along with your family are strong people, and you know that the Lord loves you and is mindful of Sherrie's needs as well as yours during this time of uncertainty. Vickie and I will continue to assume that only the very best will happen for Sherrie...
    Bill and Vickie Prows

  5. First of all, thank you so much for keeping us all updated. You are all constantly in our thoughts and prayers. I was reading scriptures last night and opened them to Alma 18 and 19. It reminded me so much of your situation and Brittney's unflappable faith. Keep up the good fight. Love to you all!

  6. Dear family...
    We are so sorry to hear about this tragedy, our hearts are aching for you all! We want you to know that we are thinking of you daily as we join our faith and prayers on behalf of Sherrie and your family. We are glad to hear that she is getting such good medical care and pray for this continued blessing as God blesses the doctors, nurses and those who care for her.

    We have been pleased to read the blog showing unto us the hand of the Lord. We feel that it is a written testimony for us, and for generations to come, of God's tremendous love, as you are worthy and able to call down the powers of heaven giving Priesthood blessings to Sherrie. One of my favorite scriptures is 1 Nephi 7:12 ...the Lord is able to do all things according to his will, for the children of men..., May God bless you with peace through His atonement as miracles are happening.

    We love Sherrie and the kindness and support she has always given us. She is so special.
    We love you all, Frank and Janet

  7. Izzy, Ryan, and Lorin WILL NOT miss mentioning Sherrie and Zachy Zoober in every prayer they say. We live u guys and watch the updates constantly. ~Kerri

  8. Our prayers are going up every day for you sister Labrum and for your sweet family! We will pray for that awakening tomorrow! Thank you for your great example, you are still an influence in my life even to this day, I find myself thinking about you and how you do things and treat people and makes want to be better. We keep praying for you!

    Bea and Chris Jones

  9. We are so grateful for the updates each day - we follow each with prayers in our hearts. Keep talking to her, singing to her - it is your voices that will bring out of this - as you well know, you are everything to her. We had to chuckle at the picture and comments on driving (parking) in the DR. Our 18 months driving there prepared us for the driving here in Ghana - only stressful part of this calling to Gaye - cars going every which way!!! God bless you, and we know He is. We love you. The Breillatts

  10. To the Labrum Family, Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace, and the God of love and peace shall be with you. Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the Saints salute you (and pray that)The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost be with you all. Amen 2 Corinthians 13:11-14

    1. I am hoping my post gets to you as I am sooo inept on computers. We continue to follow each step u take and pray often for the Lord's guidance & blessing on each person taking care of Sherrie. She is strong and needs you with her. We send our love...Susana & Jerry

  11. I thought that this was such a good quote and it may help us all to remember that He is always with us, especially through times of trial.

    If we have faith in Jesus Christ, the hardest as well as the easiest times in life can be a blessing. In all conditions, we can choose the right with the guidance of the Spirit. We have the gospel of Jesus Christ to shape and guide our lives if we choose it. And with prophets revealing to us our place in the plan of salvation, we can live with perfect hope and a feeling of peace. We never need to feel that we are alone or unloved in the Lord’s service because we never are. We can feel the love of God. The Savior has promised angels on our left and our right to bear us up. And He always keeps His word."

    --Henry B. Eyring, "Mountains to Climb", April 2012 General Conference

  12. I don't know your family personally but feel that I do spiritually. Carol & Bob told me what happened and I have been following your blog. My prayers and thoughts are with your family.
