Sunday, May 27, 2012

Great News

This is the kind of post that all of us have been waiting to see. While in church this morning, Ron got a message from Ryder updating him on Sherrie's morning.  Two phenomenal things happened:

1. She opened her eyes several times!!
2. She was able to localize- meaning that she responds to the direct area of stimulation. Example: Before if you were to pinch her shoulder to get a reaction, she would perhaps have eye flutters, move a leg, etc. Now if you were to pinch her shoulder, she would be able to put her arm towards the direct area of the pain, like moving her hand toward her shoulder.

These are both very encouraging and wonderful things. They went directly to the hospital and Ron, Brandon and Brittney have seen her open her eyes.

This doesn't mean she has woken up, but it is significant progress in that direction. The next step will be that she can respond to commands. Then on to having regular sleep and wake patterns.

In other news, we are preparing to have her transported to Chicago on Tuesday. We won't know the specifics until Tuesday morning.

They have done the tracheostomy in preparation for her flight and transfer. To clear up some questions in the comments, she is breathing on her own, but still has tubing. They are basically keeping her air humidified to make sure that her breathing stays moist.

They have replaced all of the tubing that she received in the Dominican. Her feeding tube will soon go directly into her stomach, not her nose. Brandon, Brittney and Ron say that she looks more and more like herself every day as the swelling continues to go down and they keep removing tape, tubes, etc from her face.

We are, as you can imagine, thrilled with the news today and excited to get her back here. We have a fantastic support network here willing and able to help us with everything from babysitting so we can be at the hospital, to meals, transportation and anything in between.

Thank you to you all for your continued prayers, fasts and thoughts. We know we are seeing direct response and miracles based on our petitions to the Lord.


  1. So very happy to hear this news! Go Sherrie!!!

  2. Fantastic! Go Sherrie! Our prayers will keep coming! We pray for each of you to be able to feel the joy of this good news as well as be strengthened.

  3. I am sitting in church listening to a talk about how things happen in the Lord's time and just got the inspiration to check the web page about Sherrie. I am SO glad I listened! What wonderful news! Keep coming Sherrie! Fight lady! He's there for you!

  4. This is such wonderful new for your family and for all of us that at are praying for Sherrie! So happy for your family and hang in there. Much love from Lake Villa!
    The Romig's

  5. We are so thrilled to hear this wonderful news about Sherrie. She is so loved and we are all praying constantly for her and her amazing family.

  6. The Lord sends tender mercies as we have faith - "But behold, I, Nephi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance." What great blessings He gives to show his watchful care and love as He teaches us. I'm so happy to hear good news! Can't wait to hear more!
    Love, Lorraine

  7. Yay!!! What a wonderful thing to read after church! Keep it up Sherrie!

    Nicki (Worthen) Young

  8. This is exciting news! We're still praying hard for you!
    The Douglas Family

  9. This is the kind of post I've been hoping for these past few days. Hooray!! So glad to hear things are progressing and miracles are continuing to occur amidst these trying times. Prayers and love continuing to go out to and for all of you. My heart is so full of gratitude for this small but momentous step in an amazing direction! Thank you again for the updates.


  10. Love it! Little by little. And with each miracle we see more proof that the Lord is aware of us individually. So awesome.


  11. The Herzigs are SOOOOO happy to hear your good news! Go Team Labrum!
    And I want to throw in a congratulations to Zac - on his graduation! We are very proud of you sweetheart! The combination of this wonderful time of life for you and the situation with your mom makes our hearts hurt so we want to be sure you know we see all you have accomplished - getting through school and so well!
    We love the Labrums!
    Noelle Herzig and gang

  12. Thank you for posting so quickly this fantastic news! We immediately shared a prayer of thanks to a loving Heavenly Father, what tender mercies indeed. I'm so happy to hear all will be back for Zac too! I'm sure he'd be the first to say not to worry, but having lost some major event of the kids with surgeries and treatments I wish I'd done that better. We are here to learn though, and this is an intense schooling. All our best wishes and fervent prayers for a safe smooth travel for Sherrie back home and a fantastic celebration for Zac-with lots of pictures and videos, she'll want to see every moment! We love you and continue to pray for all of you!

  13. KEEP FIGHTING SHER!!! As I sat in church today I thought I would count how many blessings I recognized just since this morning.......countless! Iam adding this to my long list.Your trial has definitely helped me pay more attention to the Lord's hand in all things. I LOVE YOU SHERRIE!

  14. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!! You have been great keeping 1000,s updated and I LOVE YOU ALL. This is the miracle I have been praying to hear for the past 9 days.
    GO SHERRIE you are so Loved and needed by so many.

  15. Oh JOY!!!! What wonderful news! I have been praying that Sherrie would be able to open her eyes so that she could communicate her love for you through her eyes. I am grateful for the tender mercies of the Lord. What a happy day!

    Jim and Elise (Breillatt) Bouc

  16. I'm so ecstatic to hear of these new improvements! Today in sunday school, we read this scripture and I immediately thought of you all.

    13 And it acame to pass that the voice of the Lord came to them in their afflictions, saying: Lift up your heads and be of good comfort, for I know of the covenant which ye have made unto me; and I will covenant with my people and deliver them out of bondage.

    Mosiah 24:13-14
    And it acame to pass that the voice of the Lord came to them in their afflictions, saying: Lift up your heads and be of good comfort, for I know of the covenant which ye have made unto me; and I will covenant with my people and deliver them out of bondage.
    And I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs, even while you are in bondage; and this will I do that ye may stand as witnesses for me hereaf1er, and that ye may know of a surety that I, the Lord God, do visit my people in their afflictions.

    Thank you for standing as witnesses of God during this time. Your testimonies have strengthened mine and I'm grateful to be able to see the mercies extended to you all right now.

    Lots of love to every one right now.
    -Leanne Witney

  17. Yay!! Go, sis! We are so HAPPY and wonderfully this wonderful news of progress! We are anxious for Sherrie's continued recovery! We continue to send our love and prayers to Sherrie and each of you! Go, Sherrie! Duane and Jan

  18. We are so grateful for every tender blessing from Our Father. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Stay strong, the best one is guiding her progress.....Love to all of you, Paul and Lori Penrod

  19. Terrific news! We pray that the miracles will continue!

    Wolf & Gloria

  20. I am cheering. It is such a blessing to hear of these miracles. Give Sherri our love.
    The Navarros

  21. So Good! So Good! Safe travels on Tuesday to hometown sweet hometown. We are so happy for all the positive progress.
    Love the Dunns

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Lexie was just telling me how sweet you were as her seminary teacher. She got all welled up inside and tears filled her eyes whenever she remembered you today. She said she can't stop thinking about you.
    She talked about those special seminary days. She said you always hugged her everyday even when she would walk in LATE! You also hugged her goodbye. EVERY MORNING! You are a very special lady. Thank-you for touching my children's lives. They really love you Sherrie and pray for you everyday. Love, Lucy

  24. That is the most amazing news and we will continue praying that these tender mercies keep coming. We love you so much Sherrie and are ready to have you home in Chicago.

    Ron & LoAnn

  25. It's so great to hear such wonderful news! Continued prayers to your mom and entire family.

  26. Go Sherrie! That is so awesome - keep it up.

  27. Our prayers and faith continue for Sherrie

    The Zotto Family

  28. Yay! What great news! We love you Sister Labrum!
    Brandom, if you need us to watch your babies let me know, my number is 2629692184 or 2629692183
    We are still praying for you all!

  29. This is such encouraging news, and was THRILLED to hear it... Hope all continues to progress and may our prayers echo through the heavens! Keep fighting Sherrie! Thinking of you continuously

  30. Lord, Please give this family strength. Please give them peace. For it is when we rest upon You, and ask these things, You hear our prayers. I know none of these wonderful people Father, but You do, and as one of Your followers, I ask daily for your hand to comfort the Labrum family. Amen, Amen.
